2012年4月30日 星期一

the information graphic in my life-2 (others)

包含圖表, 流程圖, 標示設計, 使用說明等等

here documented the diagrams and maps i met during a short time in Taiwan.

diagram is one of the most popular information graphic in or daily life,
use to explain how things work, the process, the instruction.

a instruction of using toilet

a diagram of the "weapons" which Taiwanese use in demonstrations

the toilet signs in National History Museum

map for tourist in Taiwan

using diagram as an advertise

2012年4月23日 星期一

the information graphic in my life-1 (pictogram)

most of people in my hometown knows graphic design, but they have no idea what information graphic is. Actually, information graphic is in our life. here's some information graphic captured by me which are surrounded in my daily life. 

this article documented the graphics on the path of my daily, 3/4/12~20/4/12 in Taiwan. 

the pictogram for package

1. on the cans of paint 

the graphic designer tried to use pictogram to highlights some feature of the paint. but the graphic does not work in some situation.


2. on the cover of the wet wipes

3. on the cartons of vacuum cleaner

the pictogram on the street

1. the sign of repair station in front of a 3C products store.

same store, indicated the forbidden behavior in it.  (no pet, drink, picture and smoking.)

 in a shop sign, in front of a coffee shop. (provides cafe, cake, tea and bread.)

shop sign of the convenient store (this branch provides toilet, place for eat and free wifi.)

the last one was took in Birmingham. what can pictogram can be a kind of guide in a retailer enviornment.